The Vancity Investment Management Global Low Volatility Fund is a globally diversified, fossil fuel free socially responsible investment portfolio of publicly listed securities, selected for their low level of historical volatility with the potential to compound shareholder value.
Assets: $200,000
Price: $10
MER: 0%
Type: 100% public equities
Region: Global
Size: All-cap
Inception: July 25, 2024
This fund screens out:
And reviews performance in:
Low volatility equity investing is an investment strategy designed to generate returns by investing in securities with low levels of volatility — meaning smaller swings in portfolio value.
Our strategy for this fund isn’t to simply take the least volatile securities on the market as a whole. Instead, broad exposure is achieved through dollars distributed across set regional and sector weights. Without limiting to only traditionally low volatility areas, stocks are individually compared and analyzed relative to their regional peers and sectors instead. Ones of relatively low volatility are then selected for the fund.
The result is a fund that provides diversified exposure with potential to participate in return opportunities unique to different regions and sectors at different times in the market cycle.
Whether you’re an individual or an association, union, non-profit, foundation, or trust, we’ll help you invest in ways that strengthen your financial future and positively impact your community and the world.
Notes & disclaimers
The information contained herein has been provided by Vancity Investment Management for information purposes only. It does not constitute financial, tax or legal advice. Always consult with your Portfolio Manager or a qualified advisor prior to making any investment decision. The information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however we cannot guarantee that it is accurate or complete. Any reference to past returns, charts, or graphs are for illustrative purposes only and are not indicative of future performance.